
Annual Report for Lincoln Public Schools

Lincoln Public Schools entered a new era during the 2022-2023 school year as Dr. Paul Gausman began his first year as the superintendent at LPS.

Dr. Gausman’s first year was focused on learning about the school district, so, as one his two goals for the year, the Lincoln Board of Education assigned Dr. Gausman the task of reviewing and evaluating the LPS system and reporting back his findings. 

In April 2023, Dr. Gausman shared his findings with the Board (view it here: bit.ly/LPSSup). He discovered that LPS truly is the high functioning district that has been its reputation for decades, but he also found gaps that should be addressed.  He identified the following areas of focus, including what is already working well and areas targeted for improvement: 

  • Student Behavioral Supports
  • Focus Programs
  • Early Childhood
  • Human Resources


His findings included recommended actions.  They can be found on our website: bit.ly/LPSSup.

Looking forward to 2023-2024

The recent completion of the All Means All Action Plan and Dr. Gausman’s district transition plan laid the ground work for the framework of LPS’s next Strategic Planning process.  Through guidance from the Board and staff and organizational support from the District Management Group, LPS reached out to over 3,000 individuals.  The results from this grassroots effort will be announced in the spring of 2024 and guide LPS’s efforts over the next five years.  Before the end of 2023, Dr. Gausman presented to the Board process involving four major elements: Preliminary analysis, March-June 2023, Draft Plan for Community Input, June–Oct. 2023; Develop Plan, Oct-Feb 2024; LPS Implementation, Spring 2024-Beyond.  Visit our website: https://home.lps.org/strategicplan/

Graduation Rate: 81.83%
Three year upward trend out of the pandemic (80.48 and 80.80)

AQuESTT Classification: Great

NSCA English: 60%
Highest percentage in three years (State Avg. 58%)

NSCAS Mathematics: 59%
Highest percentage in three years (State Avg. 61%)

NSCAS Science: 66%
Tied for highest percentage in three years (State Avg. 70%)

ACT: 19.1 avg. Composite
The state average is 18.7

LPS By the Numbers

Total Enrollment
0 %
Daily Attendance
0 %
Free/Reduced Lunch Participants
0 %
Students in Gifted Education
0 %
Students in Special Education
0 %
English Language Learners
0 %
On-Time Graduation Rate
0 %
Graduated in 4-7 Years


LPS has a solid process for budget development, using a three-year forecasting and sustainability model to manage and stabilize the swings in state funding revenue. LPS is one of the lowest-spending school districts in the state for per-pupil costs and has been for decades. In the most recent data from the Nebraska Department of Education, LPS ranked 219 out of 244 school districts in Nebraska in per-pupil spending, more than $1,100 lower than the state average.

2022–2023 Expenditure Budget: $490,078,580

Instruction accounts for 80.98% of total expenditures!

For more information, visit lps.org/budget


Each year Lincoln Public Schools gathers information from the community to better understand the community perception of the school district. Please take a few minutes to provide your thoughts about Lincoln Public Schools.