Learning Lighthouse: Lincoln CLC program earns national award for academic excellence

January 28, 2025

The Lincoln Community Learning Centers (CLC) program has stepped into the national spotlight for being an award-winning beacon of excellence.
Lincoln CLC has received the inaugural Champions Award in the Engage Every Student Recognition Program from the U.S. Department of Education. Lincoln CLC was one of only 13 nominees to be selected for the honor. Federal leaders recognized the programs for expanding access to high-quality after-school and/or summer learning classes for students in their local areas.
Lincoln CLC Director Nola Derby-Bennett oversees many community partners who have created top-level CLC services. She said CLC leaders and teachers were thrilled when they learned about the award.
“It was super exciting,” Derby-Bennett said. “We were very honored to be recognized. We didn’t realize that it was a competitive thing when we submitted our information, and then we found out that there were 57 nominees and only 13 were selected. It was really exciting.”

Lincoln CLC was the only Nebraska-based award recipient. Other winners were from Connecticut, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Maryland, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Ohio, Oregon, South Carolina and South Dakota.

Nominees had to increase their enrollment by at least 20 percent over the past school year to be eligible for the Champions Award, and they had to serve students who attended schools with a free-and-reduced lunch population of at least 40 percent. They also had to show how they had expanded student access to activities by using American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds.
Former U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona said all 13 recipients deserved credit for supporting students academically, socially and emotionally. He felt all children should have the opportunities that Lincoln CLC provides.
“This year’s Engage Every Student Champions are leading the charge in their local communities and states to ensure that all students nationwide have the opportunity to thrive, learn and grow through their engagement in high-quality after-school and summer learning programs,” Cardona said.

The Lincoln CLC initiative began in 1999 when Lincoln Community Foundation invested $100,000 toward the project. Programming began at four elementary schools and continued to expand throughout the city in the following years.
Currently, activities are held at 30 elementary, middle and high school buildings. Derby-Bennett said approximately 10,000 students use Lincoln CLC services during the academic year, and the organization helps more than 3,000 children during the summer months.
“There are really great opportunities for kids with the programs that we offer,” Derby-Bennett said. “We try very hard to create the type of programming that is going to give kids as much enrichment as possible. It’s exciting to see, because we’re giving kids opportunities to go deeper into STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) programs, the arts, social activities and physical fitness. There’s truly something for everyone with the CLC activities we have.”

Lincoln Public Schools helps Lincoln CLC by providing a portion of the group’s overall funding. Lincoln CLC’s main office is housed in Roper Elementary School, and LPS offers activity space at the 30 school sites.

A national evaluation committee determined Lincoln CLC had developed an award-winning curriculum for students. Committee members noticed the program was employing evidence-based learning approaches in all activities. These methods include having certified teachers leading the academic instruction and tutoring services.

All 13 national recipients provided examples of how they engaged students with field trips, career pathways services and project-based lessons. They also showed how they had formed partnerships with other community organizations.
Derby-Bennett said those positive results are possible because of strong community engagement from local agencies. Ten local partners help run day-to-day activities at specific schools. For example, Lincoln Parks and Recreation hosts sessions at Belmont, Calvert, Everett and McPhee, while Civic Nebraska is connected with students at Lincoln High, Northeast and Campbell.
Members of the CLC Board of Directors represent LPS, Lincoln Community Foundation, Lincoln Parks and Recreation, Lincoln YMCA, Lincoln Police Department, City of Lincoln, Family Service Lincoln and United Way of Lincoln and Lancaster County.
“What’s really exciting is the community interest that is in the CLC programs,” Derby-Bennett said. “We have such incredible community support. I think parents and grandparents and guardians and others in the city realize that we have a great thing going here, and there’s a deep interest in what we’re doing and how our teachers and community partners are making a difference for kids.”

Derby-Bennett and LPS Interim Superintendent John Skretta traveled to Washington, D.C., for the Engage Every Student Summit. They shared Lincoln CLC’s success story with city and school representatives from across the nation.
Derby-Bennett said the award symbolizes Lincoln CLC’s commitment to engaging every student who walks into local schools.
“As we enter our 25th year, it’s a really great affirmation of the dedication of the community to this program and the level of support we have,” Derby-Bennett said. “This recognition isn’t something that just happens. The reason we have this type of successful program is because everyone who’s involved is passionate about making sure that we’re helping kids. They want to do the best they can for all of our students.”

Learn more about the important work the Lincoln CLC program is doing for local students at https://clc.lps.org/.
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Published: January 28, 2025, Updated: January 28, 2025

Lincoln Community Learning Centers students exchange a high five with an eagle during a CLC basketball game last year. Lincoln CLC has earned a national award for providing excellent enrichment activities for students across the city.