Student News Desk: Versace boosts Bay High spirit as energetic guide dog
January 24, 2025
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Written by Adriane Tep, Bay High Focus Program
Versace is owned and loved by Jodi Shultz who is a para for the Independence Academy here at The Bay. Versace is a black lab who is a trained guide dog that helps Jodi navigate through life.
Jodi got Versace June 21st of last year. Since then he has been helping her around obstacles, finding her things, and stopping to alert her for curbs. Versace is only 2 years old and will be 3 in March, so he still has a lot to learn and perfect.
Jodi’s favorite thing about Versace is that he knows when it’s time to work and when he can play with everyone. Versace loves to be pet and loved on. It’s super fascinating to see him going from work mode to cuddle and lick mode.
My favorite thing about Versace is his personality and how he lights up any room he walks into. When I first started at The Bay, I would watch him from afar because I was worried of distracting him from working, but as the semester has gone on we have a fantastic relationship and I can’t ever NOT say hi to him in the halls.
The Independence Academy is such a great asset here. They make the school a variety of drinks everyday and have such great stories to share. The Independence Academy is a program for students aged 18 – 21 with disabilities that provides relevant educational, life, social, and vocational/career experiences in business and/or agency settings.
Students of The Bay and The Independence Academy all love seeing Versace walk around the school with his adorable droopy face and puppy eyes. There’s nothing greater than looking forward to school just to see the students and Versace. It’s amazing being in a space where it is safe to be yourself and not have to worry about anything that creates negativity.
My favorite thing to do during free time is when we all hang out in the skate park with the Independence Academy. We usually have a mug of coffee or hot chocolate in our hands while watching people skate, play ping pong, sing karaoke, and more.
Versace loves to watch everyone and occasionally tries to eat the ping pong balls if given to him. He loves all kinds of dog bones and treats; his favorite toys are anything that squeaks and crinkle. Some people have even made homemade braided toys for him! His favorite game to play is little nip nip, where he opens his mouth while you wave your hand over him and he tries to catch it. Versace is a gentle giant that loves to give slobbery kisses and insists on butt pats.
Every student and staff member at The Bay all have unique personalities and something that makes them special. We all have to go to school, work, and balance our home lives.
Versace manages to do it every day while being one of the best boys. He works incredibly hard to help and love Jodi. On top of that he cares for everyone here at The Bay. He is one of the best resources to destress with and will help you through the hectic school week. Thanks to The Bay, Versace has a huge fan base and family that love and support him as much as anyone else here.
Published: January 24, 2025, Updated: January 24, 2025
Jodi Shultz smiles with Versace the guide dog at Bay High Focus Program. Versace is a trained guide dog that helps Jodi navigate through life.