Highlights of the August 13, 2024 Lincoln Board of Education Regular meeting
The Lincoln Board of Education met for its regular meeting on Tuesday, August 13, at the Lincoln Public Schools Steve Joel District Leadership Center, 5905 O Street. You can watch the full video of the meeting here*.
*Please note: we experienced technical difficulties where the video stream cuts out. We are working to get a full copy uploaded soon.
First reading
Land sale - Robinson Parcel
Staff recommended that the Board consider the sale of approximately two acres of the southeast corner of Robinson Elementary School site to the City of Lincoln.
From time to time, LPS and the City of Lincoln collaborate on the location of city-owned public parks adjacent to LPS elementary school sites. The city desires to purchase the two acres in order to develop and maintain a city-owned public park.
The proposed agreement calls for a sale price of $81,982 for the two acres. The Board will hold a second reading and vote at the next meeting.
Land acquisition - near Yankee Hill Education Center
Staff recommended entering a purchase agreement with the State of Nebraska for approximately 5.2 acres of real estate near South Folsom Street and West Pioneers Boulevard. This property is immediately adjacent to the Yankee Hill Education Center site and may be used for the new facility.
The purchase agreement is for $340,000. The Board will hold a second reading and vote at the next meeting.
Policy series 4,000 and 6,000 updates
Lincoln Public Schools reviews and updates policies on an ongoing basis to ensure that they accurately reflect the ever-changing work of the district and capture changes to state and federal laws and requirements.
The proposed changes to 4930, 6430-5 and 6570-2 are in line with the new required state laws passed by the legislature last spring.
The Board will hold a second reading and vote on the changes at the next regular meeting.
Agreements with Family Service Lincoln and Blue Valley Behavioral Health for mental health services
LPS uses community agencies to provide mental health supports to students in schools across the school district. Staff asked the Board to approve continuing agreements with Family Service Lincoln for $784,647 and Blue Valley Behavioral Health for $567,545.
In order to continue the contracts without interruption, the Board waived second reading and voted to approve the agreements.
Second reading
Land sale – Wilderness Hills Park parcel
Staff recommended that LPS approve the sale of approximately 2.25 acres to the City of Lincoln near the intersection of Castle Pine Drive and Wilderness Hills Boulevard.
From time to time, LPS and the City of Lincoln collaborate on the location of city-owned public parks adjacent to LPS elementary school sites. The city desires to purchase the 2.25 acres in order to develop a city-owned public park.
The proposed agreement calls for a sale price of $207,000 for the 2.25 acres. The Board voted to approve the agreement.
Electric Type-A school buses
Proposals were requested from interested vendors to purchase three Type A electric school buses with 3-point safety belts for use by the LPS Transportation Department. The buses will be replacements to some in the current fleet. LPS was recently awarded the Clean School Bus Rebate Program Grant. The grant will provide $265,000 towards the purchase of each bus.
Staff recommend the Board approve the bid from Truck Center Companies from Omaha for a total of $833,250. The Board voted to approve the bid.
Informational reports
Superintendent Update
Superintendent Paul Gausman told the Board during his report that the start of the school year has been great! He also wanted to remind the community about the calendar changes this year which included no more early release days. Updates to the calendar can be found on the LPS website.
Gausman also reminded the community that there is time to sign up for this year’s Citizens Education Academy. This unique, no-charge public outreach program is open to approximately 30 people from the community - age 18 and older - and features a heavy dose of unique encounters that provides an insight into how Lincoln Public Schools works.
Applications can be submitted through the LPS website.
Public comment
There were no individuals that addressed the Board during public comment.
Glimpses of LPS
We open every Board meeting with a video that highlights Lincoln Public Schools. Tuesday’s Glimpses featured sights and sounds from the first week of school. You can watch the Glimpses video here.
Published: August 13, 2024, Updated: August 13, 2024