Highlights of the July 23, 2024 Lincoln Board of Education work session, regular meeting and ESU 18 meeting

July 23, 2024

The Lincoln Board of Education and ESU 18 met on Tuesday, July 23, at the Lincoln Public Schools Steve Joel District Leadership Center, 5905 O Street. 

Lincoln Board of Education Work Session

Prior to the regular meetings, the Board held a work session for the purpose of reviewing the Preliminary LPS 2024-2025 Budget. 

Associate Superintendent for Business Affairs Liz Standish provided an overview for the Board. Highlights include:

  • New this year was an online form for community members to submit their questions and comments. There were 33 questions and comments submitted, and answers to the questions were posted on the budget webpage in a Frequently Asked Questions format.
  • There will be several more meeting opportunities for the public to provide feedback on the preliminary budget:
    • Aug. 13, 6pm, Regular Board Meeting Public Comment
    • Aug. 26, 6pm, Budget Hearing
    • Aug. 27, 6pm, Regular Board Meeting Public Comment
    • Sept. 10, 6pm, Regular Board Meeting Public Comment
  • The budget filing deadline is Sept. 30, 2024. 
  • Budget investments are aligned with the Strategic Plan priorities identified by the community. A summary and full video of the presentation from the June work session can be found here.
  • Approximately $9 million of identified needs will not be funded this year based on resource constraints.
  • Enrollment is holding steady. We are hearing from school registrars that there are new students enrolling as families are moving to Lincoln from other places in the United States. Most of them are choosing to move to Lincoln because of the reputation of the city and public schools.

LPS prudently builds the annual budget using a three-year forecast to minimize the negative impact of drastic swings in revenue. By utilizing cash flow, LPS is able to weather volatile shifts in revenue caused by large reductions in State Equalization Aid a year after the school district may receive a bump in local property assessment values the previous year.

During the 2024-2025 budget process, the Board will consider an estimated total levy increase of 2.7 cents - or approximately $1.10 per 100 of valuation - to help offset the approximately $32 million decrease in state equalization aid to the district. The drop in state aid this year is calculated to equal a levy of nine cents. If approved, the average homeowner of a property valued at $281,614 would see a $75 increase in their property taxes.

Last year, the Board approved a 14 cent drop in the total levy to $1.07 per 100 of valuation. Two factors that led to the sizable drop were the valuation growth and the state of Nebraska’s investment in Special Education cost reimbursement from state sources instead of local sources.

LPS is preliminarily proposing a 4.96% increase in the expenditure budget to $539,159,965. The majority of the expenditure increase - approximately $18.6 million of the almost $25.5 million - will go towards salary and benefit increases already approved through the staff negotiation process earlier in the year. Staff salaries and benefits make up almost 90% of the total budget. Each month, LPS pays approximately 6,500 employees a total of $30 million - money that pumps back into the Lincoln economy through the purchase of goods, services and property taxes.

Anyone wishing to learn more about the 2024-2025 preliminary budget can go to the special webpage: lps.org/budget.

Lincoln Board of Education Regular Meeting

First reading

Land sale – Wilderness Hills Park parcel

Staff recommended that LPS approve the sale of approximately 2.25 acres to the City of Lincoln near the intersection of Castle Pine Drive and Wilderness Hills Boulevard.

From time to time, LPS and the City of Lincoln collaborate on the location of city-owned public parks adjacent to LPS elementary school sites. The city desires to purchase the 2.25 acres in order to develop a city-owned public park.  

The proposed agreement calls for a sale price of $207,000 for the 2.25 acres. The Board will hold a second reading and vote at the next meeting.

Electric Type-A school buses

Proposals were requested from interested vendors to purchase three Type A electric school buses with 3-point safety belts for use by the LPS Transportation Department.  The buses will be replacements to some in the current fleet.  LPS was recently awarded the Clean School Bus Rebate Program Grant. The grant will provide $265,000 towards the purchase of each bus.

Staff recommend the Board approve the bid from Truck Center Companies from Omaha for a total of $833,250. The Board will hold a second reading and vote at the next meeting.

Contract with First Student for Transportation services

The LPS Transportation Department contracts with First Student each year to provide busing services as needed due to staffing challenges throughout the school year. Staff recommended a contract extension with First Student for $1,250,000. 

Due to the timeline, the Board waived second reading and voted to approve the contract with First Student.

Renewal agreement with Xerox

The current Xerox production contract term is a base period of four years with an option to renew for additional periods upon mutual agreement and successful contract performance. The existing production contract expired in June of 2024.  It is recommended that LPS renew the production copy and services agreement with Xerox Corporation for the period of July 2024 through June of 2028.

This will be an annual estimated expenditure of $636,827 from the General Fund, Nutrition Services Fund, Federal Fund, Activities Fund, Special Grant Fund and ESU 18 Fund and the actual expenditures will be determined by usage.

Due to the timeline, the Board waived second reading and voted to approve the contract with Xerox.

Second reading

Newly annexed property to the City of Lincoln

The Board of Education assigns school attendance areas to property newly annexed to the City of Lincoln. This action establishes school attendance areas prior to the sale of residential lots, allowing purchasers to know what schools their children will attend.
The proposal assigns the newly annexed area of Arbor Road North to Norwood Park Elementary School, Dawes Middle School and Northeast High School.

The Board voted to approve the assignments.

2024-2025 Transportation Plan

The mission of LPS Transportation is to provide safe and timely student transportation to and from assigned schools and activities according to district policies. During the 2023-2024 school year there were 3,939 LPS students who used LPS Transportation, up 750 students from the year prior. Over 1.68 million route miles were logged during the school year. 

During the 2023-2024 school year, routes were consolidated from 131 to 126 to match staffing due to a shortage. The plan is to have 127 routes for the 2024-2025 school year, and start building back to 150 routes as staffing allows. 

Board policy 3710 states that LPS Transportation will transport only those students who qualify under provisions of state law, including: 

  • Elementary and Middle School students residing more than four (4) miles from the school in the attendance area within which they reside.  
  • Special Education students whose Individual Education Plan (IEP) require transportation as essential to learning.  
  • Students who have been moved for the benefit of the district to relieve overcrowding, due to major facility renovations, or for efficiency in use of buildings and/or staff.  
  • In addition, the Board, at its discretion, may approve other transportation areas based upon unique circumstances and for the purpose of equalizing school enrollments and facilitating programs.

The Board voted to approve the plan.

Legislative Guidelines

Each year, various federal, state, and local governmental bodies will consider legislative and administrative actions that will have an impact on Lincoln Public Schools. To communicate the positions of the Board of Education, the Board approves Legislative Guidelines that provide guidance to district staff and representatives communicating with governmental bodies. 

The proposed draft of Legislative Guidelines for 2024-2025 includes minor changes to clarify existing Board positions. Some of those changes include adding “early childhood” to language about the students we serve, and changing language about how school districts budget and use reserves. You can view the updates to the guidelines here

The Board voted to approve the updates.

Community Learning Center agreements

LPS is entering into the 25th year of partnering with community organizations to offer Community Learning Centers. Director Nola Derby-Bennett told the Board that 29 schools currently offer CLC programming at various sites. 

It is recommended the Board approves continuing the agreements between LPS and the following entities to provide CLC programming: Lincoln Parks and Recreation, The Malone Center, Northeast Family Center, Cedars Youth Services, YMCA Of Lincoln, Civic Nebraska, Willard Community Center, Lincoln Housing Authority, Boys and Girls Club of Lincoln and Family Service of Lincoln.

The Board voted to approve the agreements.

Informational reports

Finance Committee

Committee Chair Kathy Danek reminded the community about the Board work session prior to the regular meeting where Associate Superintendent for Business Affairs Liz Standish gave another presentation about the preliminary budget. The community can watch the work session here, and learn more about the 2024-2025 preliminary budget on our special webpage.

Superintendent update

Gausman started his update with a shout out to Brian Seifferlein and David Koehn and their work in producing the Classroom Calling video series as shown during Glimpses tonight. 

In addition, Gausman told the Board that over 300 administrators met yesterday for the annual Leadership Day where they heard about the work towards Strategic Plan goals.

“Let me tell you, we have a tremendous group of leaders in this district,” said Gausman. “They are dedicated and passionate about supporting staff, families, and our students. This is going to be a fantastic school year, and we are excited to see all of the great things happening in our buildings.”

Public comment

There were no individuals that addressed the Board during public comment.

Glimpses of LPS

We open every Board meeting with a video that highlights Lincoln Public Schools. Tuesday’s Glimpses featured Campbell Elementary Teacher Olivia Thorell as part of the Classroom Calling video series. 

ESU 18 Regular Meeting

The board of ESU 18 held its regular meeting immediately following the Lincoln Board of Education meeting. 

Interlocal agreement with Lancaster County for Educational Services to the Youth Services Center

Each year, the ESU 18 Board approves an interlocal agreement with Lancaster County to offer services at the Lancaster County Youth Services Center. The Pathfinder Program provides educational services and classes to youth detained at the center.

The County agrees to reimburse ESU 18 for all expenses incurred in providing such services pursuant to the agreement, however, that the amount of such reimbursements shall not exceed $987,320.

Due to the timeline, the ESU 18 Board waived second reading and voted to approve the annual agreement.


Published: July 23, 2024, Updated: August 1, 2024