Meet LPS Focus Program Senior: Sama, Lincoln Air Force Junior Officer Training Corps

May 8, 2024

The mission of Lincoln Public Schools is to prepare ALL students for successful careers, lifelong learning and civic engagement.

High school graduation is a culmination of our scholars' and educators' hard work toward this significant milestone. 

The LPS Focus Programs core values of exploration, education, engagement and empowerment are beliefs rooted in the overall LPS mission and the school district’s commitment to high school graduation. 

Read how Lincoln Air Force Junior Officer Training Corps (AFJROTC) senior Sama used LPS Focus Programs to Launch at LPS in this Q&A. 

Name: Sama

Grade: 12

Home High School: Northeast 

Focus Program: Lincoln Air Force Junior Officer Training Corps (AFJROTC)

Why did you choose the AFJROTC Program?

I originally joined AFJROTC so I could get my health and P.E. credits.

How did the AFJROTC Program change your high school experience?

AFJROTC has changed my high school experience in many ways. It has given me countless opportunities and opened many doors. There are many leadership opportunities and ways to get involved in the program that help build character, leadership and responsibility.


What is the greatest lesson you learned from the AFJROTC Program? Why?

The greatest lesson I have learned from AFJROTC is how to be a leader. As flight commander at the beginning of this year, I was put into a position of leadership where I had to learn the values of understanding and being patient with students around me. 

There were many challenges, especially in drill and marching, that the unit had to get through as a class. After many weeks of struggling, one-on-one practice and teamwork, the flight was able to march the Veterans Day parade successfully.


How did the AFJROTC Program help you reach your graduation goals?

Originally, I did not have any graduation goals and did not expect AFJROTC to be a big part of my success after I graduated. However, with the countless amounts of leadership experience and teamwork, responsibility and hard work lessons, the program has opened many doors.

Applying to any job, college or scholarship is much easier and I feel more prepared because I have experience and community service from the program. 

Along with that, AFJROTC has scholarships specific to the program that many students can apply for such as the J-100 (a full-ride four-year university scholarship for high school cadets).

What are your post-graduation plans?

After I graduate high school in May  2024, I plan to go to Iowa State University for a major in aerospace engineering with a minor in computer science. Along with that, I plan to join the Reserves in order to pay my tuition and living costs along with getting experience in my field.

How did the AFJROTC Program help prepare you for those post-graduation plans? 

AFJROTC has prepared me for my post-graduation plans in many ways. This includes having leadership positions, experience and community service to put on my resume along with scholarships that will help me pay for college.

How did the AFJROTC Program help prepare you for the future?

AFJROTC has helped me in many ways. It has made me more confident, a better leader and better able to take on challenges.

What would your advice be to younger students considering joining your focus program? Why?

As a senior who joined AFJROTC during her second semester of junior year, I would say it is never too late to join the program. When I was a freshman, this program did not seem like something I was interested in. However, it has helped a lot throughout my high school journey. Side note, the uniforms really aren't that bad.

What are you most thankful about this experience? Why?

I am most thankful for the trust and encouragement I received from my peers and instructors. It has led me to believe in myself more and made me a better person.

Congratulations, Sama! We wish you the best in your future endeavors. We are thankful our educators could help you Launch at LPS!

Choose your passion. Choose your community. Choose your future with LPS Focus Programs. 

Learn more about the Lincoln Air Force Junior Officer Training Corps by visiting its website at or stop by our website to get more information about all our focus programs.

 Also, check out our graduation page at to get the details on celebrating your favorite high school grad.  

Published: May 8, 2024, Updated: May 23, 2024

Sama is our featured LPS Focus Program graduating senior from Lincoln Air Force Junior Officer Training Corps (AFJROTC).