From the Superintendent: Resources for LPS families

January 4, 2024

Lincoln Public Schools families,

Our thoughts are with the Perry, Iowa, community as information surrounding the shooting that happened earlier this morning continues to be released. I know any time there is mention of gun violence at a school, it can renew fears and anxiety for our staff, students, and families.

We remain committed to supporting our students and families at Lincoln Public Schools. Here are some resources to use when having conversations with your child to process these events:

If you need additional support for your child, please do not hesitate to contact us at school.

To create the safest environment possible for all students and staff, LPS has worked with national experts to develop our guidelines and protocols for threat assessment: a planned, proactive, and strategic response to reported issues of concern in the school district – with a focus on prevention. Our Safety and Threat Assessment team collaborates with school administration and local, state, and national law enforcement to provide a safe learning environment. We take all reports seriously and investigate each one thoroughly.

Families and students, here are some important reminders:

  • Please continue to report any threats of violence to school officials or law enforcement immediately. If you see a threat on social media, record as much information as possible about who posted it, username, time, date, and social media platform.
  • We urge adults and students to stop the dangerous trend of spreading threats via social media (such as posting screenshots from unknown sources or “I heard rumors about”). Spreading such rumors slows the investigation process by using law enforcement’s time chasing the numerous posts. The best thing to do is immediately alert authorities and not share it with others through social media or text messaging. 
  • We encourage students to think before posting on social media: Are we safe, respectful, and responsible citizens? You are a part of the community; please do not stir up trouble; be a force for good. In other words, think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly.
  • Threats of violence - even those meant as a joke - will be taken seriously and investigated fully. Anyone who makes a threat could face legal consequences.
  • Students, if you see something on social media that concerns you, tell a trusted adult immediately. That might be a parent, family member, counselor, teacher, administrator, or law enforcement. 

We will continue to follow our school safety protocols to secure our schools from potential threats:

  • Heightened awareness of activity in and around our schools and property, immediately reporting anything of concern.
  • Initiating Standard Response Protocols when needed.
  • Continued communication and coordination with LPS Security, school administration, and local, state, and federal law enforcement.

School safety takes a community. If you or your child see or hear something that makes you feel unsafe, please contact LPS Security at (402)436-1641 or through the green Safe to Say button on our website or the Lincoln Police at (402)441-6000. This process reminds us to care for one another, and we can keep our schools safe by working together.


Dr. Paul Gausman | Superintendent of Schools
Lincoln Public Schools

Published: January 4, 2024, Updated: January 4, 2024