Newsela features current articles in seven categories, providing variable reading levels for each article. Each leveled text features a quiz tailored to that particular article plus a writing prompt that asks kids to write and respond to what they've read. Students can join Teachers classes or use independently. If they log in, they must sign in with Google ( accounts). From Newsela: Beginning with the 2019-2020 school year, news content will continue to be available in our free version. All other content genres, such as primary sources, reference texts, pro/con paired texts, and historical documents will require a subscription. If you’re using Newsela primarily as a current events resource, you should see little impact to the experience to which you are accustomed. In fact, we’re adding some features to our free version that will make it easier for you to create and customize assignments for your Students and share your favorite selections with colleagues. The only change you’ll encounter with news articles is that reading standards will no longer be displayed.

Approval Status

Parent Consent Status
Obtained via PA (Parent Acknowledgement)

LPS Student Portal
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Support provided by the Secondary English Curriculum Department.
7th – 12th grades
Student account required.
Staff account required.
AppID: 400