PLTW (Project Lead The Way) provides learning experiences for K-12 Students and Teachers through pathways in computer science, engineering, and biomedical science. This tool is used in the following courses: Intro to Engineering Design Principal of Engineering Digital Electronics Civil Engineering and Architecture Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Approval Status
Approved with Parameters
Parent Consent Status
Additional Consent Required with Parameters
LPS Student Portal
This application is available via the LPS Student Portal
Visit the Portal
Support provided by LPS Skilled & Technical Curriculum Department.
myPLTW requires additional information beyond directory information and for that reason requires additional consent. Please click the button below to see the form that must be used to seek additional parental consent.
Additional Consent
Additional Consent Form for PLTWGrades
Kindergarten – 12th grade
District Purchased
Student account required.
Staff account required.
AppID: 397