This product provides students with incentive badges & stickers for practicing basic concepts & skills. Students can use the free version to access the limited number of items per day per student (e.g. as a "bell ringer" activity, etc.) as an "extension" beyond the LPS curriculum. NOTE: if a student already accessed IXL earlier in the day, they may not have access until the next day. Only the free version is approved for use during the school day, which allows for a limited number of questions per student per day. No student accounts should be created. The paid membership to IXL is approved for use in extended day settings (before and/or after school programs). Students should not spend Tier 1 or Tier 1+ time during the school day using IXL. Teachers should use district curriculum materials to support student learning during these times.

Approval Status

Approved with Parameters

Parent Consent Status

Obtained via PA (Parent Acknowledgement) with Parameters

LPS Student Portal

This application is NOT available via the LPS Student Portal


Not supported at the district level


Math and English Language Arts: Students can use the free version to access the limited number of items per day per student (e.g. as a "bell ringer" activity, etc.) as an "extension" beyond the LPS curriculum. NOTE: if a student already accessed IXL earlier in the day, they may not have access until the next day. Students should not spend Tier 1 or Tier 1+ time during the school day using IXL. Teachers should use district curriculum materials to support student learning during these times.


Kindergarten – 12th grade




Student account required.
Staff account required.



AppID: 383