Scott FCS, Life Skills students partner to bring monsters to life

In her first year as the Family and Consumer Sciences teacher at Scott Middle School, Evann Vrana thought of the perfect way to teach hand-sewing to her eighth-graders. 

She enlisted the help of Life Skills teacher Dorothy Goa, who had her special education students draw pictures of monsters. Then Vrana’s students brought those drawings to life in December by hand-sewing dolls based on the pictures. 

The pictures varied - some monsters had one eye, some had three. There were horns, claws and jagged teeth. One thing was the same: the response among the Life Skills students when presented with their personalized dolls.

"They loved it,” Goa said. “I have a couple students tell me they sleep with their dolls now, so they love them - they love them.”

Published: January 6, 2020, Updated: January 14, 2020